Protect Your Vision
Nov 27, 2011 07:15PM ● By Erin Frisch
Eye Care
January is National Eye Care Month
During the first month of the new year, take time to learn some eye health information that’s commonly overlooked. There are simple ways you can help protect your eyes and take care of your vision. , the world’s leading online retailer of vision care products, offers crucial tips below on steps you should take to protect your eyes and vision.- Be sure to get your eyes checked at least once every 24 months. Even if you have perfect vision, only an eye exam can detect signs of glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration, which all lead to vision loss. A number of these diseases often don’t have any symptoms, but can be detected through an eye exam.
- Do not sleep with your contacts in unless they are approved for overnight use. During sleep, contacts cut off oxygen flow to your eyes, which cause your eyes to create blood vessels. These new blood vessels will ultimately damage your vision and/or prevent you from being able to wear contacts in the future. If you are prone to falling asleep before taking out your lenses, be sure to purchase specifically designed contacts that are approved for overnight use.
- Do not wear contacts past their recommended wearing schedule. If contacts are approved for two weeks of wear, only wear them for two weeks. After the expiration date, contact lenses begin to break down, which leads to eye infections.
- Quit smoking. There are infinite reasons why you should quit smoking but now you can add potential vision loss to the list. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.