Wings and Wheels 2015 Takes Off at the Lebanon Airport on Saturday
Sep 23, 2015 09:51AM ● By Kirsten Gehlbach
Wings and Wheels 2015 takes off at the Lebanon Airport on Saturday, September 26 from 10am - 3pm. The annual event showcases city departments, businesses and not-for-profit organizations in the Lebanon area. Boucher says over 1,500 people attended in 2014 and he expects 2,000 this year.
The highlight of “Wings” is the Young Eagles program that offers complimentary aircraft rides for children aged 7 to 17 with a parent. This gives a Young Eagle the chance to see the community from the sky and learn how airplanes work. Some dream of being a pilot, others are just curious.
According to the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) website at, “Since 1992, more than 1.9 million Young Eagles have enjoyed a flight from EAA’s network of volunteer pilots.” Eighty Young Eagles took part last year in Lebanon at Wings and Wheels 2014. More are expected this year to learn from the volunteer pilots what to expect during the flight and about the airplane with preflight inspection outside and in the interior of the plane.
Boucher notes that in addition to classic planes including WWII and biplanes, there will be an ambulance-type plane used for organ transport, Sharkey’s Helicopters, DHART Helicopter, and corporate jets. He says displays will be inside the terminal with Granite Air Center, Catamount Air Transport, and the Upper Valley Flying Club open for information; also Cape Air raffle rides throughout the day.
“A true celebration of Lebanon,” he says with Lebanon Departments on hand with Recreation providing children’s activities, an American Red Cross exhibit, plus Police K-9 and Fire equipment demonstrations. Local retail and business booths, food vendors, and music will add to the celebration at Wings and Wheels 2015. Free parking, $6 adults, 17 and under free.
Boucher thanks this year’s sponsors including Mascoma Savings Bank, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth College, Cape Air, Hypertherm, Lebanon Feed and Supply, Young Eagles Program, White Mountain Insurance, Liberty Utilities, Service Credit Union and Hutchens Media.
For information: contact Paul Boucher or Donna Stumpf at 603-448-1203 or email [email protected]