Christmas Tree Safety: Protect Your Family From Common Mistakes Surrounding Christmas Trees and Holiday Plants
Dec 14, 2020 02:47PM ● By Kaitlyn Malone
1. Get A Healthy Tree
When choosing your Christmas tree select one that looks fresh and healthy or recently cut. A fresh tree holds moisture better and is less likely to catch fire than one that is older and drier. One way you can tell is fewer pine needles fall off when you run your hand over a branch.
2. Stabilize Your Tree & Water Often
It is important to make sure the tree is very stable and won’t tip over when you are decorating it, possibly knocking over a heat source. Watering the tree often will keep the trunk moist and the branches green. One gallon of water every other day should do it.
3. Heat and Decorating Safely
Make sure to keep your Christmas tree and any holiday plants away from a high heat source when decorating. Use lights rated for indoor use that do not produce much heat and be sure to not overload your electrical outlets by plugging too many light decorations into just one. You can turn the lights off before you leave your house or when you go to sleep as an extra precaution. And of course, do not place plants too close to your fireplace or candles.
4. Pets + Holiday Plants
While it’s great to fill the house with beautiful décor and plants, some plants can be dangerous to our beloved pets. While some are considered non-toxic, it’s best to keep them out of reach as they can cause a variety of different reactions such as drooling, diarrhea, excessively shaking of the head, abdominal pain, hypotension (low blood pressure), ataxia (drunken appearance), and more. To avoid any of these issues, it’s best to keep Mistletoe, Poinsettia Plant, Holly, and Christmas Cactus away from your pets.
If you haven't gotten your tree yet, check out 5 places you can find a fresh-cut tree in the Upper Valley.
Happy holidays everyone! Stay safe!