Get To Know Northern Lights Gymnastics In WRJ
Jan 24, 2022 11:05AM ● By Nyambura
The organization is part of the USA Gymnastics Member Club. The staff are well equipped, hands-on, are certified in performing CPR and first aid, and has USA gymnastics safety training.
Over Forty Years of Operations
Northern Lights Gymnastics was founded in 1978 by Jill G. Vanderpot. Gill is an alma mater of the University of Vermont with a degree in Business Administration. She was part of the varsity Gymnastics team and, in 1993, she served as the team’s captain.
Gill has worked as a coach since 1994 in Northern Lights Gymnastics and became the owner in 2000. She is also a member of the USA Gymnastics Professional and has chaired the State Administrative Committee for 23 years.
The Importance of Gymnastics
- Promoting health - children learn to maintain a healthy frame at a young age.
- Building concentration - Gymnastics helps in fostering attention and focus on completing tasks.
- Cultivating social skills - Gymnastics is not a one-person sport. It encourages working in teams, team participation, and support.
- Improving motor skills - gymnastic exercises build balance and muscle strength and the brain, nervous system, and eye, hand, and muscular coordination.
- Gymnastics prepares the participant for any sporting activity.
Pre-School Gymnastics
Pre-school gymnastics is for children aged between 1.3 years to five years. Younger children in this class learn simple gymnastic skills along with spatial awareness and socialization. As they advance in age and skill, lessons focus on improving motor skills.
Lessons involve games using ribbons, hoops, balls, and so forth. The activities are also fun, engaging and aid in instilling discipline and cooperation. There are three classes offered in this program according to age.
- Baby bears class - for 1.3 years to 2-year-olds.
- Me and my shadow - for 2 to 3.5-year-olds.
- 3 to 5-year-old class - attend class without adults.
A maximum of two adults must be with a child below three years of age.
Recreational Gymnastics
Recreational Gymnastics is for school-going children and adults looking to enjoy, explore and nurture their skills. Although classes occur by age, the skill level is also put into consideration.
Young girls enroll in separate classes where they perform systemic exercises on bars, beams, vaults, long trampolines, and the floor. Boys learn these gymnastic skills along with rings and parallel bars in a separate class.
Adults gymnasts get warm-up exercises and are free to use any apparatus for their activities. Walk-ins are also encouraged for grown-ups.
Competitive Gymnastics
Northern Lights only offers competitive gymnastics to girls. There are three programs under this category.
- Pre-team Program - the classes are intense compared to the recreational program. They focus on refining skills, building strength, and improving flexibility. Participants take three years on average before advancing on the team.
- Team Program - constitutes gymnasts from level three to 10. New members are encouraged to enroll. Practices are held year-round.
- Xcel Team Program - provides level 3 to ten gymnasts an opportunity to commit partially. Instead of practicing the entire year, participants commit to only five meetings per season.
Summer Fun
Northern Lights Gymnastics has programs specifically designed for summer. There are full-day and half-day camps with indoor and outdoor activities. All ages and both genders can participate in this program.
Get in Touch
Northern Lights Gymnastics has been in White River Junction, VT, since 1987. The center’s address is 94 Olcott Drive White River Jct, VT 05001.
You can contact the center on (802) 295-2070. Office hours are from 9 am to 3 pm on weekdays. During summer, you can reach the office from 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Thursday, and 9 am to 3 pm on Fridays.