Tips For Prepping Your Car For Winter
Nov 17, 2023 04:08PM ● By Virginia Dean
some, it is a welcome sight. For others, it is a dreaded time of year – enough
so that many flee to warmer climates. It’s winter, and it officially begins
December 21. For those who are in its midst, it’s important to know how to prep
their car for the season.
2.) Inspect the battery and prep your
windshield wiper system.
3.) Have your oil changed and equip your cooling system.
Other helpful hints:
Make sure you carry snow and ice removal tools on board and that you have a tire
gauge and traction aids. It would be important to have your car serviced for
winter conditions and be aware of changing temperatures that could affect
Pack a winter safety kit and keep your gas tank at least half full.
The best time to
winterize your vehicle is before the start of winter. This is also commonly referred to as
"pre-season" vehicle maintenance. By doing so, you can be sure that
your vehicle is prepared for the colder temperatures and treacherous conditions
that winter brings.
Head on over to Jasmine Auto Body, Randy's Auto Service Center, J.A.S. Auto Body, Bob's Service Center, or any service center in the Upper Valley, and they can help you get your car prepped and ready for winter.