What To Do With Leftover Pumpkins
Nov 01, 2024 08:37AM ● By Elise Renaud
Those pumpkins you carved weeks ago that were bright orange and full of life are probably looking a little less so as the days pass by. Instead of just throwing them into the trash, here are a few ideas to make use of them.
Create A Bird Feeder
The pumpkin that you carved already has a hole or many into the interior. Add some bird seed, set it out, and let the birds and squirrels enjoy the leftovers.
Compost Them
Pumpkins can be added to a compost pile and add good vitamins and minerals to the soil. If you don’t have a compost pile, check for a community compost facility near you.
Feed Wildlife
Once you’re done looking at the designs you or your children created in the pumpkin, cut it up and feed the wildlife near you. Who knows, maybe you’ll have a new deer friend coming around soon.
Make A Pumpkin Recipe
If you didn’t cut into the pumpkin and it was kept relatively clean, you can use the pumpkin in a recipe. There are many recipes to choose from. The Food Network has a quick list of 65 pumpkin recipes, if you need an idea.