Upper Valley Circus Collective Winter Camp

Upper Valley Circus Collective's Winter Camp Session 1 February 19 - 23, 2023 at Marion Cross School in Norwich, VT For campers between the ages of 8 - 18 years old Drop off begins at 8:00 am Warm-up 8:30 am Camp ends at 3:00 pm Ages: Campers must be at least age 8 by the first day of camp. If you have experience with gymnastics, acrobatics or other skills and are under age 8, please let us know and we can discuss the options for joining our camp. Tuition: $300.00 Family Discount: $25.00 discount for each sibling/family member registered after the first enrollment.
Date & Time
Weekly on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Feb 19, 2024 through Feb 23, 2024
8:30AM - 3:00PM