Upcycled Mittens Workshop
Sweaters are warm and cozy, but they don’t last forever. Instead of throwing an old sweater out, why not turn it into something new? Transform your favorite worn sweater into a pair of warm, wearable mittens!

Sweaters are warm and cozy, but they don’t last forever. Instead of throwing an old sweater out, why not turn it into something new? Transform your favorite worn sweater into a pair of warm, wearable mittens! The Up-Cycled Sweater Mittens Workshop will cover how to make a polished pair of fleece or flannel-lined cozy mittens. You are encouraged to use your own vintage sweater to make a pair of mittens (this project requires 1 sweater). Thrift shops are great for finding sweaters that are just begging to become colorful mittens. There will be a small selection of felted sweaters available at the workshop for those who are not able to supply their own materials. Carol Williams and Peggy Mitchell, our mitten specialists, will walk you through the process from cutting to finishing. You only need to know how a sewing machine operates and how to sew a straight line! Once you register for the workshop you will receive instructions for felting the sweater you plan to use for the class. Participants are asked to bring the following: Sewing machine Scissors Pins Thread Felted wool (wool sweaters that have been shrunk in a washing machine work best.) Lining fabric (cashmere, flannel) Something for cuffs – sweater ribbed edges work well. We will provide the patterns and refreshments! Class is limited to 10 participants. Advance registration is required. Museum Members – $25/person Non-Members – $30/person All proceeds from this workshop go to support the educational mission of Enfield Shaker Museum.
Date & Time
January 18, 2025
9:00AM - 1:00PM
More Info
$25 Members $30 Non-members
Participating Businesses
Chosen Vale Performance Center