4 Local Volunteer Opportunities to Commit to in 2016
Jan 05, 2016 04:24PM ● By Erin FrischTheir Mission: "The
Thompson Center will act as resource and advocate for our senior population
providing timely support on issues that affect aging in our rural community.
Our programs and activities will promote the physical, intellectual, and social
well being of the adult community to enhance dignity, self-worth, and
independence. In addition, our senior center will provide a gathering place for
our community."
Ways to help: "Meals-on-Wheels" Driver, receptionist, driver/escort, wait staff, bingo caller, clerical, program leaders and computer guru.
Their Mission: "Our mission is to provide a setting
Monday through Friday for pre- and post-graduates with special needs to
explore culture, education, business and fitness while developing bonds
of friendship. Our approach engages participants with the material,
their instructors, and one another. Through these programs ZP
Participants contribute and benefit from the community. Enrichment programs include yoga, art, reading, music, singing,
dancing and a wide range of sports activities including winter based
Special Olympics, adaptive swimming, horseback riding, and kayaking. All are welcome at ZP—regardless of age or ability—and programs are provided at no cost to participants."
Ways to help: Painters, window washer, garden maintenance, business program assistant, dancers, swimmers, envelope/greeting card stuffers, workshop helpers, computer tech guru, signers, cookers and much more.
Their Mission: "The mission of the Ottauquechee Health Foundation is to promote and
support programs that identify and help meet the health care needs in
Barnard, Bridgewater, Hartland, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Quechee,
Reading, and Woodstock."
Their Mission: "No one can do everything, but everyone can do something"
- Cutting, splitting, stacking, delivering free firewood
- Gardening
- Yard work
- Renovating substandard housing
- Weatherizing homes
- Installing free clotheslines
- Reading to people
- Baking for people
- Making/delivering emergency meals
- Assisting people in crisis
- Assisting people who are ill or temporarily disabled
- Walking dogs
- Basic house and pet care for people in emergency situations
- Moving boxes and heavy things
- Digging ditches (one time for solar power)
- Installing handicapped access
- Spring and fall clean-up
- Flood relief
- Babysitting
- Community dinners (putting on and assisting other organizations)
- Clearing ponds of cattails
- Helping at road races
- Building goose dams
- Recycling goods and clothing
- Helping other local organizations
Did we miss your favorite nonprofit? Let us know!