Community Supported Agriculture (CSA Shares) in The Upper Valley
Jul 17, 2018 01:27PM ● By Finn Mc Farland
Juicy blueberries and crunchy carrots are just two of the flavorful foods grown right here in Vermont. When you buy local produce in season, you save money, support local farmers, and add flavor and nutrients to your diet. One of the easiest ways to commit to buying local is becoming a member of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).

Sweetland Farm, Norwich, VT

CSA is a cooperative arrangement between farmers and community members through which members pay a lump sum at the beginning of the growing season for a weekly share of the farmer’s crops. The initial investment ensures that farmers have the funds to sustain their business, invest in technologies, and cultivate a healthy crop throughout the season. Shares are usually picked up weekly at the farm or at designated drop-off locations. CSA shares can include produce, dairy products, meats, and other farm products.
Visit to find a CSA near you!
Kiss the Cow Farm, Barnard, VT

This dairy and meat CSA runs for 17 weeks from June through September each year. Four size options that vary in size and in price, from $300 to $900, are offered for the season. Kiss the Cow Farm.
Sunrise Farm CSA, White River Junction, VT

This produce CSA is for 26 weeks, beginning in April and ending in October. Members can choose a full or a half share. Sunrise Farm.
Sweetland Farm, Norwich, VT

Sweetland Farm offers produce shares over 22 weeks from May through October. Sweetland Farm.
Root 5 Farm, Fairlee, VT

This produce CSA offers shares available May through December, May through August, or September through December. Root 5 Farm.
Heartwood Farm, Barnard, VT

From June through October, members of Heartwood Farm’s CSA can enjoy weekly fresh produce as either a prepackaged share or a “you-pick” share, which gives you more flexibility. Heartwood Farm.